Precision Crafted Brand Identity for ACHIAA’s inaugural Luxury Line


Founded in the cultural crossroads of Ghana and New York City, ACHIAA is a soft luxury clothing brand that combines tradition with contemporary style. Led by Constance Boakye, a designer and advocate for sustainable fashion, ACHIAA caters to confident, stylish, and socially conscious women across metropolitan cities worldwide.

Brand Audit
Brand Identity
Logo Suite Design
Art Direction

Case Study Overview

In just a few months, DESIGN–ISH STUDIO collaborated closely with ACHIAA's founder to conduct a comprehensive and strategic brand audit. We developed mood boards, refined branding concepts & assets, and ultimately crafted a detailed 30-page brand guideline.

This document now serves as the cornerstone for establishing ACHIAA’s visual language and identity across various touch points, ensuring consistency and clarity in its brand expression.

Trace Our Steps—Enjoy the ACHIAA Case Study.

SO where did we start?

We began with a thorough BRAND AUDIT to refine our understanding of the target audience and their needs. This informed our development of a comprehensive brand identity, encompassing a distinctive color palette, typography, and logo suite. Our art direction and copywriting were meticulously crafted to resonate with the lifestyle, interests, and challenges of ACHIAA’s audience, emphasizing the brand’s commitment to quality, style, and ethical practices.

Crafting ACHIAA's Visual Identity

Crafting ACHIAA's Visual Identity ✥

Next up…setting the mood

This chosen mood underscores ACHIAA’s heritage-driven spirit and elegant nature. The bold color palette paired with both ornate and traditional graphic elements is a visual representation of the brand’s versatile core—where tradition meets audacity.

We chose a vivid, playful color palette and retro sans-serifs in varying weights to reflect ACHIAA's bold and conversational brand personality.

Our photography direction highlights the brand’s community focus and quality through dynamic group shots. Intricate embossing and hand-drawn illustrations with Ghanaian motifs enrich the visual narrative, paying tribute to ACHIAA’s heritage and global presence.

This carefully curated visual direction not only defines ACHIAA's identity but also deepens the connection with its audience, embodying the brand's spirit and values.

Logo Suite Development: Cohesion and Symbolism

Tasked with expanding the existing logo, we introduced an illustration of a fern leaf, inspired by the Ghanaian Adinkra symbol 'aya'. This addition not only aligns with ACHIAA’s mission of intertwining tradition and authenticity but also embodies qualities of endurance, independence, and resilience. The integration of this symbol in the brand mark ensures that ACHIAA's identity is not just seen but felt, representing the brand’s core values in a visually unexpected yet meaningful way.

We crafted an emblem that encapsulates the essence of ACHIAA, weaving together elements that reflect its international roots and Afro-futuristic vision. Featuring the symbolic crown, Adinkra symbols, and floral motifs that symbolize growth and fertility, the emblem pays tribute to ACHIAA's heritage and its dynamic, feminine spirit. This emblem is designed to excel across various applications, from elegant mailers and packaging to stationery and merchandise, ensuring that every touch point communicates the brand’s unique narrative and values.

Through this thoughtful expansion of the logo suite, we ensured a seamless visual cohesion across all brand assets, reinforcing ACHIAA’s identity and enhancing its market presence.

Crafting ACHIAA's Voice: Empowerment and Heritage Through Words

Our copywriting for ACHIAA aimed to vividly portray the brand's mission, founder’s ethos, and core values. We crafted a narrative that celebrates the strength and grace of the multifaceted woman, weaving the founder's rich Ghanaian and New York City heritage into every line.

The brand's voice—from powerful mission statements and evocative taglines like "Where tradition meets audacity." to core values emphasizing sustainability and quality—was meticulously shaped to resonate with and empower its audience. This cohesive narrative aligns perfectly with ACHIAA’s visual identity, ensuring that every word reinforces the brand’s commitment to fashion, empowerment, and legacy.

client testimonial

“Partnering with DESIGN—ISH STUDIO was an enlightening journey from start to finish. It felt like they could see into my mind, untangling my ideas and weaving them into a cohesive and beautiful brand identity that perfectly encapsulates ACHIAA.

Every step showed meticulous care for my brand, and the collaboration was nothing short of phenomenal.

It was refreshing to work with a team that not only provided expert service but also displayed an impressive level of commitment and integrity.

Starting a business can be a daunting process, but DESIGN—ISH made it smoother and more enjoyable. It was a blessing to find a partner that makes life a tad bit easier. And it is a joy to find someone who gives 100% to someone else’s vision. Thank you for your professionalism, honesty, and hard work. I wholeheartedly recommend DESIGN—ISH to anyone seeking a dedicated and insightful partner in bringing their brand to life.”

— Constance B.



Working on ACHIAA's comprehensive branding was both enlightening and transformative. The project deepened our understanding of integrating cultural richness with modern aesthetics to resonate deeply with today’s audience. The successful development of a cohesive brand identity—from color schemes and logo details to compelling narratives—reinforced the importance of a strategic approach in branding.

The gratifying feedback from ACHIAA underscores the impact of our work, affirming our commitment to detail and relevance. This experience has not only refined our studio capabilities but also ignited a passion for supporting brands in their journey to embody values of sustainability and empowerment.
